Okay, So I am a Soap Opera Addict, Even in my Romance Novels

Today is all about reading. I have read a lot this week. I think I am going to go reach way into my back pocket and talk about JoAnn Ross. Ms. Ross is a great imagist. She puts together the perfect picture using an abundance of detail.

This week I went back and purchased her Callahan series. I had read all three book before, but I was grateful to add them to my collection. I was thinking about how different the books and the characters actually are, despite being about three brothers and sharing a setting.

River Road was my favorite. Shocking, right? Okay, maybe not. It was about an FBI agent and a soap star. I loved Julie and Finn. They were a great pair. Blue Bayou was a nice story too, though extremely rushed. Danielle and Jack were great - though her father never received his comeuppance in that story, and Holly was way too forgiving. In Magnolia Moon Nate and Regan were hard to read. I don't know why. I thought she was kind of worldly for him. I just don't see why they would love each other. I even have a hard time imagining them as friends. Hmm. . .

This week I also went back and read Leslie Kelly's Harlequin Blaze Play With Me. It was cute. I loved Amanda and Reese, but was there really a plot? The real reason I went back to read it was that I read a review for it and the plot they described was not ringing any bells with me. Well, the plot they described did happen, but I am not sure that that would be the way I would have described it at all. Also, the story was not funny. It was sexy, sure. Not funny.

On Tuesday morning I bought twenty-nine (!!!) books and my wallet is still feeling the repercussions. I will have to let you know how it all goes.
Love, Adrienne

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