Wynda-What?!? - Nikolas Cassadine About Tracy Quartermaine Moving In!

Beginning with both the awful and the awfully shocking – Tamara Braun is IN at Days of Our Lives, meanwhile Natalia Livingston is OUT. Tamara will be replacing Natalia in the role of Taylor. Tamara is best known to fans as Carly Corinthos from General Hospital. She is also fairly popular for playing the role of Reese on All My Children. Speaking of popular, have I mentioned that Tamara has won an Emmy? That’s right. She was playing Ava on Days of Our Lives. The Days of Our Lives that just hired her to play a completely non-related character. Right. . . and just for arguments sake – Natalia won an Emmy in the same category as Tamara FIRST.

Speaking of casting news, REBECCA HERBST IS STAYING AT GENERAL HOSPITAL! Liz is not being written out. You can thank her fans for that one! Though not a huge fan, I do love me some Lizzie when she actually has a storyline. I am looking forward to some great things with this character.

Tess is back on One Life to Live and I am not that happy. I will admit, that I don’t really care about this whole Jess needs to fight Natalie back . . . I am more upset about the fact that they keep telling the same story over and over again. Jess and her twin fight over a man (whether it be about is impending fatherhood or death) and Jess can’t handle it, so Tess takes over. Really? Really? Haven’t we seen this all before? I don’t know about you, but I am done with this character.

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day I thought I would share my favorite couple of the moments with you. This is fun for me. I get to share my opinion and be completely biased about it!

  1. Patrick and Robin Drake (General Hospital) are my absolute favorites. They have been since they met and they will be . . . forever! Seriously, though, this Valentine’s Day was a great treat for P/R fans, because the couple broke up about six months ago and Patrick finally kissed his wife on this fated holiday. And she didn’t punch him! Might I take a ventured guess and say that the Character Assassination of Doctor Patrick Drake is on it’s way to being over? A girl can hope!
  2. Scott Chandler and Madison North (All My Children) are also really great. Everytime I see them together, I swoon. It's sickly inappropiate. At first I was kind of hesitant, because I prefer characters who have family and connections to the canvas and Madison, though she has friends, has managed to lose all her family (though, I will say that I would be perfectly okay with it coming out that in some weird twist, Greenlee is not Jackson’s daughter, Madison is!). I also don’t really like Ryan. I refer to him, sometimes, as the Vortex of Suck. He seriously takes the fun out of everything; so when Ryan and Madison hooked up, I was disappointed. It got worse when the audience found out she was pregnant. Now, now (!) Scott is claiming to be her baby’s daddy, and Greenlee is blackmailing him into a relationship with Madison. I love it! Scott is so charming and enjoyable, and Madison is so sweet and innocent. It’s perfection. Bring it on!
  3. Kevin Fisher and Chloe Mitchell (The Young and the Restless) kind of remind me of the two suckers who got picked last – except they are damn enjoyable. I love the fact that they were friends, and that he fell for her and she was scared and whatnot. It was really cute to see her chase him down on New Years Eve just to kiss him. They have a cute chemistry and I would love to see their story play out further.

Runner Up: John McBain and Kelly Cramer (One Life to Live) have not actually become a couple, yet. From a purely superficial standpoint, they would make a great duo!
What are your thoughts?

Love, Adrienne

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